Is Blazor worth learning - My Experiences

Preface I'm a .NET developer and have been for over 15 years. Before that I worked mostly in PHP. I say this, not to boast, but to give you an idea of what my biases might be. I've worked with .NET...

3 simple things to save you stress on your website rebuild

Rebuilding a website can feel a lot like moving house, with all the stress that comes with it. In this article, I'm going to look at a few ways you can reduce the stress involved.

A project planning board with yellow post-it notes showing an agile project planning and estimation session.
How does agile work in an agency?

In my time working in an agency, I've seen a lot of projects and a lot of discussion around how best to plan and run various projects in the agency environment.

Stop making hosting hard for yourself!

In my profession, I often come across businesses looking to move to new hosting or host a new website. In many cases, I get the chance to talk to them about the different options and help them choo...

3 things you need for a blazingly fast website

In the ever-changing landscape of devices and web browsers that your visitors will be using to access your website, one thing remains constant: A fast website is better than a slow one. In 2020, ov...

Is a website builder the best choice for your business?

Website builders are becoming more popular and many web developers go to great lengths to trash-talk them out of a fear that they will someday lose their job to a website builder. My goal with this...

5 things to consider when choosing a Content Management System for your business

The most common way of managing content on a website is with a Content Management System or CMS. Whether you’re building a completely new website or updating an existing one, the choice of how you...

Hourglass on a wooden desk
Increase the performance of WordPress without code by following 5 simple rules?

Most clients that I deal with specifically ask for WordPress. It’s the most popular CMS for small businesses and despite my past reservations about the software I decided it was about time I took a...